¿A qué nos dedicamos?

IsoSolutions Marketing & Management Inc. ofrece una amplia gama de productos de diferentes proveedores que incluye todos los instrumentos necesarios para equipar un laboratorio de medicina nuclear y también soporte técnico.


David T. Drummond Presidente y Fundador

Las personas son lo más importante. Cada organización debe tener como objetivo mejorar a las personas que trabajan para ella. En el sector de la salud usualmente el más importante es el paciente, pero también debe incluir a nuestros proveedores, clientes, empleados, socios — todos aquellos cuya vida es tocada por nuestra empresa.


Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2025

Lizeth ⎜ Jan 28, 2025

isoSolutions wishes its employees, associates, partners, customers, and suppliers in China and worldwide celebrating the Lunar New Year good spirits, good health, happiness, and success!

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The EANM annual meeting

Lizeth ⎜ Oct 15, 2024

The EANM annual meeting is fast approaching in Europe’s green city on the Alster and Elbe, and it will be a perfect time to meet our team.
This year, Arun Singh, Marvin Calderon and Hans Peng are attending the event. Join us for coffee and to discuss how we can do more to improve patients’ lives around the world.
Please contact us at info@isosolutions.com to schedule a meeting.

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Happy Chinese Lunar New Year 2025

isoSolutions wishes its employees, associates, partners, customers, and suppliers in China and worldwide celebrating the Lunar New Year good spirits, good health, happiness, and success!

The EANM annual meeting

The EANM annual meeting is fast approaching in Europe’s green city on the Alster and Elbe, and it will be a perfect time to meet our team.This year, Arun Singh, Marvin Calderon and Hans Peng are attending the event. Join us for coffee and to discuss how we can do more to improve patients’ lives […]

United Pharmacy Partners (UPPI) Annual Meeting on September

isoSolutions will attend the United Pharmacy Partners (UPPI) Annual Meeting in September in Indianapolis, IN. Neil Shirley hopes to see you there. 


Elysia Raytest
